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Brunches of Love

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

Who says a date has to be at night? How about getting up and going for brunch?


- Entertainment

- Food

- Entertainment and shopping


- Only 1 thing to do for a brunch date. That is to go down to the Lawrence Farmers Market. When planning this date do NOT get flowers ahead of time. Plan on getting flowers there to support local businesses. Cook's Market is a great booth to shop at but there are many others. If possible know what your date likes first but if not this is a great way to find out.

Get a snack for now (remember you will be eating after this) or for later. Some of my favorites are Pastries by Alexander for the macarons, Slow Rise KC for donuts, or Circle S Tamales. And yes tamales are good at all times including in the morning.

This is a great place to just walk around and chat. You can really learn what the others like to eat and drink. Talk about cooking, who knows maybe you will find a good idea for your next date and be able to cook for your next date.

Food - Make a Reservation!

The Roost:

Opened in July 2013 The Roost is one of the busiest locations for breakfast/brunch. A reservation is highly suggested. They have the best breakfast food to eat in town. They have great coffee, amazing fresh pasteres, homemade jelly and jams, not to mention some great swag. So the best part of "brunch" is being able to drink for breakfast. Don't worry they got you covered. Ask them for the specials that day. Ask what the juice of the day is. May not be everyone's idea of day drinking but they are always good.


Milton's Cafe has been open since June 1997. If you look at their menu you can see why they are still open. Anything you can think of they have it. Try one of their hashes. You will not be disappointed. While you are there grab a drink or jump right across the street to the next option.

This location is not a must on this date. It is a must to go to in Lawrence at some point though. Rather it is for a "drink" or coffee they can help. They use Repetition Coffee which is another small business in Lawrence you would be helping.


To round out the day take a trip down Mass Street. Walk down Mass and window shop. Find something interesting that you both like. It could be sodas from the Mass Street Soda, French treats from Au Marche, or Stationery from Wonder Fair. Spend a day just walking and talking. Make sure to hit the side streets as well if you dont you will miss places like Jungle House or Art Love Collective.

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