Lucky Dog Pet Grocery is a Lawrence, KS pet shop opened in 2012. They carry All-natural pet food and in-house pet bakery. They sell high-quality pet food, great toys, bakery treats, and custom pet cakes.
Bring in your pets! All pets are welcome. Pets are welcome and encouraged. They will be able to get a free treat at the front desk.
This shop is located on Mass Street in Downtown Lawrence.
Lucky Dog Pet Grocery & Bakery
933 Mass St Lawrence, Kansas 66044
They have been named one of America’s Coolest Pet Stores by Pets+ Magazine.
Lucky Dog Pet Grocery & Bakery has 2 shop pets.
Pretzel is the shop cat and he is usually there during weekdays. He is there bakery manager so he is not always available for meet and greets. Ask a staff member if he is available for all your bakery needs. Sirius is the other store pet. This “dog”, I mean store consultant, is typically at the store on weekday afternoons and Sundays.
The staff is very knowledgeable, go in and get a food consultation. Consultations are free and can happen at any time. They usually last about 5-15 minutes depending on your questions.
Check out their Facebook to keep up to date with all their promotions.