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715 is an Italian restaurant in Lawrence that is known as innovative. It gets its name from you guessed it the location it sits. It is located at 715 Mas Street. This building was not always a restaurant. It was a residence until in 2009 715 took over.

Their menu is Tuscan-inspired. The food is said to have a handmade with an Italian influence.

“715 is an Italian-style neighborhood restaurant and bar, located in Downtown Lawrence, KS. It offers simple, fresh, handmade food, cocktails, and wine.” – 715 Homepage

Kelly Conwell is the executive chef. She uses her love for travel to take you on a journey though her food. You can check out the 715 website for some of her recipes.

715 Restaurant

715 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044

715 - Lawrence, KS

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